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@Bosch&DeJong: Educate Yourself Book Club

What is Educate Yourself Book Club?

A cool book club hosted by Bosch&deJong for people who enjoy reading and are interested in learning and debating about diverse themes (racism, feminism, fatphobia, ableism, LGBTQIAP+) through books. Both Dutch and English speakers are welcome!

When does it take place?

Every two months on the 4th wednesday of the month, at 7pm.


In the Fenix Food Factory, in Katendrecht, Rotterdam!

How much?

The book club is free; we do, however, ask that whenever possible you buy the book from us, or make a small donation to help keep the bookclub going (ask us for a tikkie code!).

Joining us?

Follow us on Instagram at @boschendejong and @bedjeducateyourself and make sure you sign up for our newsletter here: https://educateyourselfbookclub.substack.com/

26 maart

Con­fe­ren­tie vo-ho: door sa­men te wer­ken met an­de­ren, leer je veel over je­zelf!

6 april

@Maximus: voorlezen met Jos: De zoete smaak van kersenrood